Religious Education
Religious Education (RE) is a vital part in supporting and developing children’s acceptance of others across the school, wider community and world. Children who attend Southfields bring with them a wide range of world faiths, beliefs, values and traditions and we use this rich resource to encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences, and those of others in our unique school. The children are encouraged to explore, research and discuss different religious beliefs and customs. They will apply this knowledge to considered and respectful class discussions on a range of aspects of birth, life and death. Key questions are used for children to be able to confidently and sensitively vocalise their own beliefs and opinions but accept the beliefs of others and learn from them. Our Religious Education curriculum is further enhanced with opportunities to visit places of worship in our local area.
Guidance for local authorities about membership of SACREs
download_for_offlineGuidance for local authorities about membership of SACREs
- RE Long Term Planning download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRE Long Term Planning
- RE National Curriculum 2010 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRE National Curriculum 2010
- RE Skills Progression download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRE Skills Progression
- RE Long Term Planning download_for_offline