Helping your child with reading at home
Regular reading at home is crucial from Nursery to Year 6. It is important that parents listen to children read and ask them about texts in order to develop comprehension skills. Sharing books is also just as important as listening to a child read; this promotes a love of reading and shows the people around them as readers too.
Research shows that children who read for just 20 minutes a day are exposed to over 2 million words a year! The acquisition of vocabulary and reading fluency supports all aspects of the curriculum, supports good mental health and knowledge about the world. Evidence shows that there is a direct link between reading for pleasure, attainment, success at secondary school and those who gain the highest paid jobs in later life.
Alongside their school reading book, the children have a reading journal to develop their comprehension skills. We encourage children to read other texts such as a library book, a magazine or a newspaper. Any reading at home is recorded in the child’s reading record.
All children will bring home a book banded text and a library book of their choice to read for pleasure. Children on the phonics scheme will also bring home a text matched to their Read, Write Inc level.
Oxford Language Report
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- Oxford Reading Tree - guide for parents download_for_offline
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- Reading skills for KS2 download_for_offline
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- Words to read and spell - next 200 download_for_offline
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- Oxford Reading Tree - guide for parents download_for_offline