For payments, communication and bookings, we use an online system called ‘My Child At School’ (MCAS).
Parents / carers are encouraged to register with MCAS as you will be able to pay dinner money online and also pay for school trips and book your child a place on afterschool clubs and activities. You will also be able to receive all messages / emails sent by the school via this platform.
Features & Benefits
- Enables parents to access their child’s information through a portal, either browser or App, promoting communication between both school and parents, and parents and their children.
- Ability to manage payments online securely for all kinds of school activities including clubs, trips, wraparound care, dinner money and the school shop.
- Comprehensive communication between parents and schools about their child(ren). An excellent means for schools to communicate useful information to parents, such as upcoming school events or important documents.
- Click this link for a comprehensive MCAS parent guide
Download the app
- An app is available for Apple and Android:
Who do I contact for help?
- Please contact the School Office if you wish to register with My Child At School.