PE – Physical Education

At Southfields, we believe Physical Education is not limited to curriculum lessons. We firmly advocate that Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) are the cornerstone to developing the physical, cognitive and emotional skills needed to lead a lifelong healthy lifestyle. Through PE lessons, extra-curricular clubs, sports competitions, active lessons and daily physical activity our aim is to foster the motivation, confidence and competence for each child to maintain lifelong participation, competition and leadership in physical activity. Our curriculum map outlines a variety of opportunities for children to develop their physical, cognitive and emotional skills through dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety, athletics and outdoor adventure activities. Through PE, we see our GARK values lived by our children. PESSPA at Southfields challenges and promotes self-esteem through physical confidence and problem-solving.

Failure and success are accepted equally and valued for what they can teach us about ourselves. Our GARK values and the children’s social and emotional development are further supported when we focus on the School Games values in preparation for competitions and inclusive sports events. Our aim for children leaving Year 6, is that they will have experienced the joy of physical activity and sport and will understand how continuing a healthy lifestyle will impact positively on them and those around them. They will have been able to explore their own spiritual, personal and emotional identity, particularly through our dance and outdoor learning programmes. As early as Year 1, children will begin to take leadership roles in lessons which sets them on a path to becoming Sports Leaders, Playground Pals, Peer Mediators or Coventry Young Ambassadors as they move up the school.