See the Meet our staff page for details of your teachers and TAs.


1b Buttercup


1d Daisy

Firstly, welcome to Year 1. The children in Year 1 have made a good start and this letter is to inform you about the work they will be doing this Autumn Term. 

Key Points 

Children will have a piece of fruit every morning.  

Our PE day is Friday. Please come to school in your PE kit. See over for more information. 

A few polite reminders 

  • Please write your child’s name inside their coat 
  • Arrive on time in the morning and collect your child at 3pm. 

Homework and Reading Books

Your child will bring a spelling homework book home every Friday. We ask that they complete the homework set and practise their spellings. Please return the spelling homework book on Monday morning so that we can check the homework has been completed. Your child will also bring their reading book home. Please listen to your child read, support them with the comprehension question and write a comment in the diary.  

Collecting Children

Please let the office know if somebody different is due to collect your child at the end of the day and likewise, please ring the school if you are running late.  

As you can see we have a lot of exciting things planned for this term. Thank you for your support, and remember if you have any queries do come and speak to us. We are looking forward to working in partnership with you this year, to give your child the best start possible. 

Safety If your child is travelling to school by bicycle or scooter please make sure they wear a safety helmet. 


All of the websites below are suitable for Year 1 children.  All children will be provided with their login if the website requires one.