Southfields Primary School takes the wellbeing of the children and their parents extremely seriously. If a child or parent needs to share any matters of a safeguarding or wellbeing nature they can do so by emailing:
At Southfields Primary we are proud of the support we are able to offer to families and the community. We have a team of dedicated workers ensuring that we are able to overcome any barriers to learning. Just some of the ways that we have helped include:
- being a school where the well-being of everyone is the prime concern of each member of our community
- supporting a learning community in which children, young people and adults can realise their full potential
- providing a safe, stimulating and enriching environment where everyone is able to enjoy his/her best possible health and well-being
- encouraging pupils to grow up to be responsible, active members of their community
- promoting emotional intelligence
- promoting regular attendance and good behaviour as pre-conditions for maintaining high standards of achievement
- each child being encouraged to develop his/her own individuality whilst learning also that personal freedom involves responsibility to others
- promoting a values-based PSHCE curriculum which helps to give a firm moral basis in these times when so many attitudes, beliefs and ethics are questioned daily
- providing equal opportunities for all pupils regardless of ability, religion, race, culture or gender
- encouraging tolerance and understanding between all members of our community
- a clear understanding that effort, kindness and good manners will be valued
- developing an understanding of being responsible for oneself
- fostering the kind of community where everyone helps each other and looks after our environment

Southfields Community Primary School fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support pupils in school. We aim to safeguard and promote our pupils’ welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate. The pupils’ welfare is of paramount importance.
Our school Child Protection policy (based on Local Authority guidance) outlines the procedures followed in school to safeguard children.
Please click here to view the Safeguarding policies.
Protective Behaviours at Southfields
All members of staff have undergone DBS and List 99 checks and are trained regularly in Child Protection issues. We also ensure that any volunteers working with children undergo the vetting procedures outlined above.
Staff at the school work in partnership with other agencies such as the health authority, social services and the police.
There may be occasions when we have to consult other agencies before we contact you. The procedures that we have to follow have been laid down in accordance with the local authority Child protection procedures.
At the start of the school year, parents and carers will be issued with a data capture document. This details how the school may use digital images and videos within school, on our social media, website and in the local newspapers. Parents are invited to state clearly if they do not wish their child to feature in publicity materials.
In line with DCSF guidance, the school may decide whether or not to permit the filming of school events. We believe that it is appropriate for parents and carers to record assemblies, performances etc.
- Parents and carers will be allowed to record images.
- Parents will be informed that photography is strictly for personal use only.
- Parents are requested not to restrict the view of other people.
- The school will ensure that children are dressed appropriately.
- The school will monitor the use of cameras and anyone behaving inappropriately.
Safety and Security
Southfields Community Primary School benefits from a very secure site. We are surrounded by a security fence and restricted access via locked gates. Should parents or guardians need to gain access to the building during the school day, they may do so via the front office.
Signing In:
Every visitor coming into Southfields Primary MUST report to the main reception and sign in where you will be given a visitors sticker and a lanyard.
Southfields Primary School will not tolerate verbal or physical aggression towards its staff or pupils. This type of behaviour will result in removal, a ban from the school grounds, and possible prosecution.
Fire Safety:
You must make yourself aware of all ’Emergency Exits’ located and signposted across the school. Upon hearing the ’Fire Alarm’ you must exit from the nearest Emergency Exit and look for an Assembly Point.
DO NOT stop to pick up personal belongings.
DO NOT re-enter the building until you are advised it is safe to do so.
No Smoking:
Southfields Primary School operates a non-smoking policy, this includes the grounds as well as the buildings.
Online Safety
Safer Internet Day February 8th 2022
Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. Safer Internet Day 2022 is on 8th February and will be celebrated with the theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, Safer Internet Day is celebrated in over a hundred countries coordinated by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, and national Safer Internet Centres across Europe.
All the children were introduced to this years Safer Internet theme during assembly on Monday. KS2 children explored respect and relationships online. The children in Early Years and KS1 learnt that whatever they are doing online, whether it’s playing games or anything else, it’s so important to think about the feelings of others. In the same way we all try to be kind offline, we should also do this when we’re online. They also listened to a story about Digiduck and friends.
There’s a new game that everyone’s playing, and Digiduck wants to join in! With the help of his friends, he explores the magic castle, and they whizz through the levels after a lucky find makes it easier. Digiduck is in for a shock however, when he discovers that the spell ingredients are not the only things hidden in the game…
The aim of this story is to help start conversations between children and adults about many aspects of online gaming, such as:
- The types of games that young children enjoy playing online and why
- How to tell if real money can be spent
- The social elements of gaming with others (e.g., keeping personal information safe)
- What to do if someone is pressuring you to do something that you are unsure about